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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's Over, It's over -- the election is over!

It's over! It's over! Finally no more political flyers filling my mailbox daily, no more political ads on YouTube every time you play something new.  I hope that you all exercised your right to vote.  I really wanted to post last night before Election Day with the best political parody I have ever seen..... well I still think this is hilarious so I hope you all enjoy it as well!

Last I saw the news was calling the election in favor of sitting president Barack Obama.  We will have to wait and see if they are still right in the long run, but for now we are awaiting his appearance on CNN for celebratory remarks.

I am going to hit the hay early tonight, but I hope you are all well and I will try to post while I am off work if I get the chance otherwise I will be checking back in again on Friday!!!

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