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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Another full day!!!

It was a full day yet again, J went hunting (as is th enorm during open season) and I went to a birthday party with the kids.  Mom as always was a godsend and came to watch the girls while Aiden and i did some last minute birthday shopping so I didn't have to lug all three kids into the store and then she even went to the birthday party wth the kids and I to help corral them.  I can usually handle the three of them fairly well on my own, but for over a week now I have been having a pain in my shoulder and chest so I can use all the help I can get.  I did go to the Dr last week and he took a shot in the dark and tried me on a round of antibiotics that unfortunately did not help.  So I guess my next step will be to call the OB office and see if they can detect any issues, since the pain in my chest is directly in the middle and to the side of my boob. On that note, I am tired and in pain so I am headed to bed.

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