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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fun times at home!!!

I love, love, love that I get to spend so much time wth my babies.  I managed to get a few pictures of them without the typical motion blur today :) Emma was being a ham for the camera as always, and Izzy couldn't stay away either, LoL.  They spend a lot of the time they are in their room rearranging the furniture and climbing on everything available.  I have been working on another scarf and I tried to knit while they played, but they offered a little too much help.  I do think I have finally found a multi-tasking situation that my friend Laura wouldn't even be able to master. ;)

Poor Izzy hasn't been feeling well for a couple of days, she was sick to her stomach on Monday and had a fever again this evening.  I am hoping she will get over this bug on her own without yet another trip to the Dr.'s office.  I think the medicine the Dr. gave me is helping, I just hope I still feel the same way when I lay down.  Last night it was still hard to get comfy to sleep.

Aiden has not been wanting to get off the bus lately, because he doesn't want to leave his friends behind and come home to just his sisters for play-mates.  When I helped him off the bus today his friend Jessica invited him over to play at her house and he was ready to go as soon as we walked out the door.  I wanted to make some brownies that he could share with his class and to treat the bus driver, but he had other plans.  So I laid his sisters down for a nap with their Daddy and we took off to walk to the neighbor's house.  He loved exploring her backyard that is complete with a slide, treehouse, leaf pile and swing set.  While we were there the little boy from accross the road came to join us and we all came back here for some fun on the trampoline before it got too dark and cold to be outside.  I am having trouble deciding if it is ok to cut the apron strings and let him play with the neighborhood kids (they are in the 5th grade) without supervision.  They are big enough to ride their bikes in the road and watch for traffic and that makes me nervous with a 4 year old involved.  So for now I guess I will be playing with all the kids too. :)

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