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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Art can be open to interpretaion, just make sure your interprtation matches the artists LoL!

Aiden brought this art project home before Thanksgiving break.  When I saw it I thought of the fingers as branches....

Several days later I was informed that I had hung the picture upside down.  I was slightly confused, so Aiden explained that the fingers were actually supposed to be the trees roots, not the branches.  LoL.  It was so cute to listen to his matter-of-fact explanation. Since then I have changed the way it was displayed....It just goes to show that art is open for interpretation! ;)

I got out the camera today and took about 40 shots of the girls while they were running free.  Most of the shots were badly timed or blurred from the constant motion, but I did catch some really great shots, these are a preview with more to come soon....

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