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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ghosts and More Tour -- part two

These pictures are courtesy of my friend Mel that went to the "Ghosts and More" tour in Rocky Mount last weekend.

She got some good shots of the girls that were with us, my favorite was the polorized one shown below.

Evie also joined us, but she was in a different scene, so we didn't get to see her in action.

Though the protestors never bothered us, we did catch one woman's attention and for a moment she looked as though she was going to offer assistance. LoL

Here is one of me practicing being dead, too bad I looked at the camera... ooops!

Mel did great on her make-up, next year I think we will take off our make-up before we go out for a bite to eat. LoL

Thank you Mel for the pictures you got of me in my costume. I rarely get Pictures of myself.  I love the sexy shot you got below. ;)

I will do my best to collect our pictures of the kids in their Halloween costumes so that I can post them tomorrow, but right now they are spread across two phones and a camera.

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