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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Super Storm Sandy Go Away!!!! :)


I was very disappointed to wake to bad weather Monday morning.  Aiden's pre-school class was scheduled to go to the pumpkin patch where they would each get to pick their own pumpkin, go on a hay ride, have a picnic and they were going to get to go through a maze.  Hurricane Sandy was already wreaking havoc on our lives and it hadn't even made landfall yet.  :(  Aiden was so excited about his field trip that he got up an hour early to get ready for school.  Not only was he disappointed that the trip had to be postponed (until after Halloween no-less) but he was also looking forward to me going with the class this time. 

I stewed about this all day and then decided to try to be super mom while I was out running errands.  We needed a family pumpkin so when I stopped to get it at Kroger I explained the situation and the produce manager was able to give me a $10 discount on my purchase.  With the discount we scored 15 pumpkins for about $1.86 each.  Now I am not a morning person so I didn't make it to the school to deliver the pumpkins until it was almost the end of the day.  Now Monday afternoon that didn't seem like a big deal, but then this morning I woke up to a voice mail that school would be closed today due to Super Storm Sandy.  At this point I just hope they get to go to school tomorrow so they can go on their trick-or-treat parade through the school and get to decorate their pumpkins before we miss Halloween altogether.

Since J and Aiden were not in school today we got to carve our family pumpkin today.  After cutting the top off we gave the girls a chance to feel the pumpkin guts, but they were having noting to do with that, LoL.  Emma did get brave enough to touch the ledge that the top rests on, but wouldn't touch the guts even when I pulled them out for her.  They can be such prissy little girls sometimes.

We had been planning on going back to Mom's neighborhood for trick-or-treating this year, but now that I am seeing the updated weather forecast I am thinking we might head out for some indoor fun at the mall instead.  Each year Tanglewood Mall and Valley View Mall in Roanoke County host trick-or-treating with the vendors from 5-7pm on Halloween.  I have never been out to one of these events, because I was afraid of the lines and crowds, but the alternative is letting my son go trick or treating in the rain and not letting the girls go at all if it does rain. What to do - What to do? Guess I will have to chat with the hubby about it and see what kind of input he has and then go from there.

This year we chose to go with a traditional Jack-o-Lantern face for our pumpkin!

Emma is thinking "Mommy that feels a little ewwwy!"

Nope, nope, nope! Not gonna touch it and you can't make me! LoL

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