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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My photo projects have begun for the year!!!

As the holiday season is quickly approaching I have started reflecting on the year that has sped by.  It seems like just yesterday that I was spending time with my Daddy and he was watching my babies grow.   It's really hard to believe that it has been months since I have had that.  I am grateful to be a "picture nut" every time I look back on the memories I have captured in the form of pictures and short videos.  I love looking back over the year and reliving the best moments over and over again.

This year I have gotten to throw my baby girls their first birthday party, celebrate my son's 4th birthday, see two of my nephews graduate from high school, experience the loss of my Dad, see my oldest child off to preschool and so many more things that I never want to forget. 
I was going to finish uploading my pictures to Shutterfly today and I got distracted by an e-mail from MyPublisher announcing that my $20 credit with them was going to expire tonight.   That is enough to get me a 21 page Hardcover Photobook for the cost of S&H (less than $10).  I decided to give it a try and see if I could really put together a photo book that looks nice, doesn't cost a fortune and doesn't take all day to design.  With my $20 credit as my inspiration, I updated the MyPublisher program installed on my PC, chose all the pictures I wanted to use and had the program put them into a book for me.  The original design was about 28 pages for around 75 pictures.  Now had this been a book about a single event I may have left the book alone added some captions and went with it.  Since I chose to create a book for the first half of 2012 instead, I decided  that I needed to do some editing and shuffling of photos, editing of layouts and adding of captions to make a book I would be happy with.  In under 2 hours (with interruptions) I had designed and ordered a photobook.  The real test will be to see the actual book which I should have . I am hopeful that it will be as beautiful as the one I spent 2 days designing for my mom last year.  If anyone is thinking about trying out MyPublisher, let me know and I will send you an invitation e-mail!

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