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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Our Birthday festivities for J's big 3-0!

For J's birthday this year we were able to get a sitter and go out for a kid-free night on the night before his 30th birthday. We started our night at Rancho Viejo in Vinton, VA with a wonderful dinner, then we headed to a friends for a couple of drinks before heading downtown.

We met up with a friend we have not seen in many years for some good fellowship and enjoyed a trip to our old stomping grounds, Awful A's. 

Cody is ready and waiting for Halloween!!!

Ok, yes I am a country girl and it was amazing to me to be able to get within 2 feet of a wild raccoon in the city.  So I just had to take pictures, he was adorable and very stubborn about not posing for a picture.

We had fun opening J's gifts on his birthday with the kids so they could join in the action.

But after a night of drinking I did let J cheat and open just one present so he could enjoy his new pillows.

Home sweet Hokie Home!!!

J finally has some Sunday funday clothes!!!

We have lots of new Halloween decorations courtesy of Aiden and his gift for his Daddy!!

Emma loved the tissue paper and even helped clean it up when the fun was done!!

We wanna help!!!

and help....

and help some more!!!

J's new Hokie light!!!

As soon as J put on his Raven's gear they ran a ball for a touchdown and they beat the Cowboys on his birthday too!!!!

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