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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Getting back to deal hunting and getting ready for Halloween!

I was looking through my e-mail and stumbled across an e-mail from a website that I joined a long time ago.  The website is Smiley360.com and I have participated in a research study for Pam cooking spray that I loved.  Basically they gave me a coupon for tomatoes and Pam cooking spray, a spatula and a glass baking dish.  I cooked dinner using the tomatoes in a lasagna and washed the pan after dinner.  I got to keep everything they sent to me and all I had to do what take a short survey about the product that I was trying out and give some feedback.  After having the twins I really took a step back from the sample sites that I was subscribed to, couponing was put on a back burner at one point, and deal seeking for everyday's needs and activities slowly crept to a stop.
I did actually get my Sunday paper last week, and I AM going to get a coupon online printed off for a freebie (www.dirtyjobs.com -- BOGO coupon for Mike Rowe's version of oxyclean) and I signed up for consideration for another "mission" for Smiley360.  I hope I get chosen for another mission and I would love to invite everyone to join me at Smiley360.com and see what you can try for free just for giving some feedback on the product.

Here it is, your Halloween sneak-peek of my Batwoman costume.  I turned in my picture for a costume contest for work, if I win I will get some more shopping $$ yay! The girls and I are going to be superheros.  Aiden has a Bumblebee Transformer costume and is trying to convince his Daddy to be Optimus Prime... I will keep you updated if there is any progress on that one... LoL!

I did end up taking the kids to the Dr. on Friday.  I made the appointment for Aiden and once he was diagnosed with Strep Throat we had to wait for the girls to be tested too (They have all been running fevers on and off for about a week).  The girls initial test came back negative, so they are sending the cultures off for further testing and will call on Monday to let us know if there are any new developments.  Til then we will all just hope that the girls are able to slide by this w/o needing antibiotics too.


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