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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Totally Terrific Toads and Simply Stunning Smiles!!!

It just dawned on me that I had not shared our video and pictures of relaesing the Toads so that they can hibernate for the winter.  Aiden was very understanding about the fact that they would not survive the winter in captivity and we had to let them go so that they would live. 

Before letting them go I hulled some more walnuts and gave them a pile of larvae to snack on as they became accustomed to their new found freedom.

This little guy, as fat as he was eyed the last easy meal before taking off.

This little guy was happy to be free and immediately set-off to explore his new surroundings.

I am so excited that Aiden's school pictures turned out so great. As crazy as it sounds, I already have them cut and stuffed into Christmas cards.  One of these days I am going to make myself a mailing list, but until then I will be working on collecting the addresses I need to send out Christmas cards yet again.

Aiden has a portable dry erase board and was having fun drawing people.

This is the finished product, including hair and all!

Emma is always cheesing for pictures, but has a hard time standing still for two seconds.  I did finally get a picture with a smile and open eyes, but still need to work on getting one with no blur.

Izzy was having fun sliding on her box and saying "wheeee" as she went down.  Of course when she saw the camera she needed to get a closer look at it, but in the process I did capture some beautiful shots of her.

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