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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Babe!!!

Today will be my Hubby's last day as a 20-something-year-old. As of 10/14 he will officially be 30 :)  I have been working hard to give him a good birthday this year.  Yesterday I started in the kitchen and I removed as much clutter as I could, I picked up where I left off yesterday ths morning and I managed to complete the kitchen and most of the living room. And thus the birthday weekend has begun. 

We have lived at the River house for over 1 1/2 years and had never really moved in, so J's second present was coming home to pictures adorning the walls of the living room and hallway to make him feel more at home.

Now, normally I have to work on Saturday and Sunday night each week, but this week I scheduled a paid Community Service Day (on of many awesome benefits of my job) and scored a Saturday with no work.  After I get home and ready, we will put the kids to bed and head out for a night on the town.  It has been probably three monthes since we have gotten a kid free night and we are excited to have the sitter come over so we can go out.  Lucky for her the kids should be in bed by the time she gets here.

We would love to see some of our friends that we never get to see, so if anyone is free on Saturday send me a message and we will make plans to get together!!!

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