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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Walnuts, Walnuts, Walunts Everywhere!

It is hard to believe that just three days ago it was at least beautiful mid-day (despite being colder than  a withces tiddy, lol).  I have been collecting walnuts for a week or so and have gotten about 1/3 of them processed.  It has been my intention to get them finished for the past two days, but I may have to bring them inside to accomplish that if the weather keeps going downhill.

I think by the time I have the outer shell removed from all the walnuts I may have the clothes basket nearly full.  Once I have them peeled and cracked Mom is gonna back a black walnut cake.  Maybe just maybe I can be done with this project by Thanksgiving.

Though I am not excited by this picture, it was taken courtesy of Aiden and is being posted through inspiration.  I read an article on Facebook not too long ago that encoraged Mom's to get back in the picture to preserve our childrens memories.

Yes, you are now looking at a frisbee full of larva.  When peeling the walnuts it is common to find a slew of larva that can be tossed with the outer shell, or in my case be fed to the toads.  As it is getting colder outside we are planning on letting the toads go for the winter, but for now I am fattening them up so they will be ready to hibernate.

This week Aiden's class is learning "T" and "A" so we will be doing a project on trees tomorrow after school.  I will do my best to get the pictures uploaded for tomorrows post, if not I have been saving up and will have something great in store to showcase.  I will also be taking off work for a couple of hours during my shift to take Aiden to the PTA meeting and find out about the focus on math this year and what is being incorporated into his pre-school curriculum.

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