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Monday, October 1, 2012

Avoiding over-spoiling!!!

Most of the parents I know want to give their children the world, and they try to do this while also instilling the understanding of "value" and how to be grateful.  We started with gratefulness and manners and Aiden is actually good about saying "please" when he wants something and "thank-you" when he receives a gift or reward.  So... I have been trying to teach Aiden how money works and what it means to buy things for awhile now, but he just doesn't seem to get that money doesn't grow on trees.  

Now, Aiden has known how to count for awhile, but the concept of coins equaling dollars has always been beyond him.  He knows that dollars are worth more, but so does not get that 5 quarters is more than one dollar.   Now it breaks my heart every time I have to say "we can't afford it.... or we don't have the money...." when my child wants something... I just can't afford to give home everything he asks for.... *shrugs* "What can you do?" ... I say "Teach!"
My plan is to build on the things Aiden is learning in pre-school and work on money exercises at home.  He has decided that he wants action figures now, so we got out his piggy bank and I helped him count out his savings. ((note- money burns a hole in this Childs pocket))  We found almost $4 in his pig and decided he should have at least $10 when he goes shopping.  I made him a reference sheet regarding coins and dollars and he set off to do chores.  Aiden has been super helpful today and was able to earn about $.50  and we will be working on teaching/learning money while he earns his next reward. 

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