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Saturday, November 24, 2012

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!

Aiden and I spent Thanksgiving morning making "Turkey Treats" from an idea I found on Pinterest.  The project, I think was an advertisement picture, but we did pretty good even without real instructions.  After we were done making turkeys we worked together to process a pomegranite, Aiden did not care for the tartness, but Izzy loved it.  Then we made a fruit salad, though we had seen a neat idea for fruit ka-boobs time was cut short as always. 

The girls had a lot of fun.  Playing with Steve and the dogs seemed to be their favorite part of the day.....

...Aiden and Logan had fun with the big boys, but boys will be boys and once the remote control car got driven into a bucket of oil, the big boys took off to play on the dirt bike.  Victor missed a fun Thanksgiving get-together and some great food too.

Even William got on the dirt bike and had fun riding around the farm.

These turkeys were the lucky ones and they were spared becoming dinner, for now anyways ;)

Aiden and Logan were very excited to finally convince someone to bring out Williams matchbox car collection.  The girls love anything the boys show interest in, of course!

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