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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I am starting to feel better :)

I love to see Aiden's artwork grow. He has started adding arms and legs to his smilies!!

So I finally caved and went to the ER for the pain I was having in my lung/chest/shoulder/back area after the antibiotics prescribed by urgent care did nothing.  After a series of x-rays and blood tests the Dr. decided the only thing left was Pleurisy.  This happens when there is an irritation in the lining on the outside of the lung that hits the ribs. It feels like a cracked rib and makes sneezing and coughing feel like death.  After 2 solid weeks of pain I am happy to say the prescription meds have already started to work and I am soooooo happy about that. I may even feel good enough to walk to the top of the mountain when I go hunting on Wednesday, if not I guess I will sit low and take my chances. :)

This one started as a maze and turned into a smilie :) Aiden has been doing pretty good on his behavior program for school and has already earned two one hour sessions of computer time and a trip to the movies with Grandma (which he is super excited about).  He is also growing up and spreading his wings a little, it makes me proud but sad.  For a long time now Aiden has been nothing but a "Momma's Boy" and would show major preference towards Izzy and me.  Recently he has been asking to go to town with his Daddy instead of staying home with me and this morning he even wanted Daddy when I was telling him he had to go to school. He also finally decided that he likes Emma, just doesn't like when she screams and cries. 

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