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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Fun!!

The Easter Bunny came to visit us last night and Aiden was very happy to find his "awesome surprise" this morning.  He was a little disappointed that there were no eggs to be found, until he realized they were in the front yard.

Sorry the video is sideways!

After we found all of the eggs and he played with the stickers out of his basket we colored real eggs and fingers too :)

   After we were done withe the dye, we put the cups in the sink and added Baking Soda so we could watch them fizz! (our kit called for vinegar)

The girls got new sock monkeys from the Easter bunny too!!
 And they got to jump on the trampoline too!!!

And then Daddy finally made it home from work to take over for Mommy so that she could go to work too. :)

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