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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My experience with Dell tech support

When I tried to turn on my computer today it decided that it was not going to work.  Much to my dismay it said that there was an issue booting up and wanted mee to use the Windows Installation disc to get it up and going.  The instructions were simple enough, 1 put the cd in the computer, 2 restart the computer, 3 choose language and finally 4. click 'repair your computer'.  Problem is they forgot to mention that when you restart the computer you have to press F12 and choose to boot the pc from the CD ROM instead of from the hard drive.  I called Dell in the hopes that they would assist me with this stumbling block and first they had to remove a tech support block related to our other pc through customer service, then transfer me back to tech support, and by then I had figured out the missing steps in their instructions, effectively fixing the computer on my own.  Interestingly enough it showed that there was no issue to resolve and to restart the pc to verify normal operation.  Since I was already checking for errors I also ran a Memory Diagnostic Test on the pc which also advised me there were no issues with the computer.  The only thing I relearned today is to shut off my pc when not in use instead of letting it sit idle.

With all of that being said my overall experience with Dell Tech support was pleasant, but it took a long time and my biggest complaaint was that I had to read the microscopic Service Tag off the bottom of the computer at least 5 or 6 times during the call... My recommendation to Dell would be to print that # a little bigger and put it on the back of the pc instead of on the bottom.  Otherwise the representatives that I spoke with were pleasant, knowledgeable and helpful.

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