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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Feeling at Ease :)

I read a post on FaceBook the other day that said "You can tell where you are in life by looking at the change in your console, once you have dollars in there you are getting somewhere."  I liked it and decided I must be getting somewhere cause I have a real dollar in my console right now, lol. It's only one but I guess that is a step in the right direction.  Things seem to be falling into place finally and it feels good to be less stressed over money.  I wish I could tell you how we got here, but I really have no clue other than pure determination. 

Josh has been given the opportunity to retake/finish a class he had to drop due to his pnuemonia last fall and has 2 more weeks left of this semester and then he will be back on track with his classes.  He is loading himself down with 12 credits this summer, 17 in the fall adn 21 next spring, hoping to graduate at the end of spring semester.  He is still debating on taking a few additional classes next summer to get a 2nd associates and a certificate or two, but we will have to see if he is still interested or if he is just ready to graduate and be done with school again for awhile.  I am so proud of all he is juggling and the grades he is maintaining.

I am almost out of training and will be moving to my new team at work soon.  It feels good to be getting such high marks and being able to acheive the goals I am setting for myself.  I even managed to win an upsell contest and got $10 Kash to spend at HSN.  There is a lot of motivation to succeed in my position and I have been given set guidlines to follow, but to have my first two recorded QA scores be 100% tells me this is something I can do and i will succeed.

I will take more pics tomorrow and will hopefully be getting even more in an e-mail so that I can go back to providing a visually appealing blog, but tonight I'm just keeping it simple and then heading to bed.  I hope that you are all finding peace, balance, and happiness in your lives and I will talk to y'all tomorrow.

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