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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We are free!

Got some chores done and still need to do a few more before the day will be done, but at least most of the laundry is washed and dried.  Hopefully there will be something on the DVR to watch while I am folding so it doesn't seem so tedious, lol.  I have been trying to figure out how to give the girls some more room to play without having to baby proof everything.  Today I managed to wedge a gate in the doorway to the kitchen and was able to give them the whole living room and the hallway to play in.

 The girls really seem to like the extra space...
 ...Bubby was being nice and sharing some of his toys too...
 ...though Emma still tuned into the TV quite often...

...and so did Izzy, but Aiden is always ready to make a face for the camera!

 Yay! She looked at the camera and didn't move!

Aiden even got a decent picture of me today! :)

Aiden really wanted them to play in his room with him, but there is so much small stuff in there I wouldn't let them stay long!

I am really hoping this cold weather will break soon so I can get the kids back outside to enjoy some sunshine again soon.  Aiden is so excited about our plans tomorrow.  We are going to storytime and his Daddy doesn't have to go to school all day so he is going to stay home with 'sisters' and then after storytime he has a play date with Anna.  As far as I know we are going to Burger King for lunch and then they will get to play in the indoor play area, so no worries about the weather for tomorrows plans.

I did get to have a nice little visit with Mom and Dad today.  The girls and I went to pick up the booster seat we had accidentally left there on our last visit.  They girls really enjoy playing at Grandma and Papaw's house and I got a few good pictures while we were there.

 What are you doing Papaw?
 Putting a duck on Emma's toe!
 Grandma laughed...
 ...and Izzy had to investigate! :)
Did we hear you open a bag of crackers Grandma?  Well if she gets one I want one too! :)

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