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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Celebration at Green Hill Park

Yesterday we went to the spring celebration put on by 3 of the local libraries and had so much fun.  The weather was almost perfect, the kids got to hunt eggs (even the girls got one each) and the Easter Bunny stayed for awhile to visit.  Surprisingly all of the kids except for one at the party loved having the Easter Bunny around. I was able to get some good pics of the kids at the park and the librarians too.

 Isabella playing with a shaky egg!
 Emma with her shaky egg!
 Whatcha doing back there sis?
 Puppet Show time!
 Skunk's spring surprise, what a good story!
 Duck stuck in the muck, another good story!
 Time to find Eggs!
 3, 2, 1 ..... Go!
 Emma's first egg!
 Easter Bunny Picture 2012
Aiden hanging out with the Easter Bunny!

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