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Sunday, April 1, 2012

A fun yet long day with the kids :)

I got up and moving this morning and my only plans were to go grocery shopping.  When I got on Facebook to check in around 11am I found that I had been invited to an event -- "The Schools are no joke" April 1st Children's Fair and Bake Sale.  It was from 1pm-3pm and I also needed to make some lunch for Josh and drop it off, so with 3 hours to get there I was quite impressed that I was only about 10 minutes late.  The invite came from Anna's mom, so once I saw it I told Aiden that Anna was going to be there and asked if he wanted to go... of course the answer was "Yes, yes, yes, yes."  So I got everyone ready and off we went.  When I pulled up, I noticed that another friend, Katrina Wood, was running the bake sale part of the event.  So Aiden already knew 2 of the kids there which was awesome enough and I got the pleasure of meeting some new people that were very nice.

Roanoke City has a good candidate running for City council this time around, named Brandon Evan Bushnell, that hosted the event today.  All of the proceeds were being donated to the public schools and he seemed to be a good leader.  If I lived in roanoke City he would have my vote, but since I don't  I encourage everyone I know in that area to support him on election day.  There was a bouncy house that the kids could stay in as long as they wanted, face painting, and a really nice Easter Egg hunt.  I was thrilled to be able to take the kids to this event and give them a chance to get outside and play and know I had enough help with them to let them all have fun.

After the Children's Fair, I headed over to Mom and Dad's to visit with the kids and to see their Daddy for a few minutes before he started mowing a yard. Then i went grocery shopping with the kids while their Daddy finished the yard work projects.  We all finally made it home around 7:30 pm and were plum tuckered out, but all in all we had a fun eventful day.

 Anna and Aiden at the Childrens Fair!!!
 Reverand Audette and Emma !!!
 Isabella picking a flower!!!
 Isabella jumping in the bouncy house!!!
 Emma and Papaw!!!
Isabella and Gramma!

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