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Monday, April 30, 2012

What a beautiful Afternoon!

Today started out hectic, but it seems most days as a parent get that way at some point.  Before lunch I had mopped the kitchen floor for the first time, bathed the twins (since Bubby decided the best use of the cup of milk that came with breakfast was to pour it over their heads), I had found the dog and gotten him to his runner after he decided to take a tour of the area.  After lunch I got to mop the floor for the second time, pack kup some leftovers for my awesome hubby and run it to the end of the road with all 3 kids and then we had about 10 mins to go before "quiet time." 

Aiden surprisingly came directly inside to play in his room, while the girls and I decided to take advantage of the weather and get some fresh air.  I have found the best way to take them both outside by myself is to put them on the trampoline, so they had fun bouncing and I had fun taking pics and videos.

The girls were looking nice, fresh after a bath, dressed in their purple co-ordinated outfits. Izzy was so proud of herself for findig flower petals from the tree that hangs over the trampoline.  They must have been tasty, since she tested 3 of them as I continued to take them away. (lol)  

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