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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You know you're exhausted when it's almost noon before you feel awake :)

So glad that it is my Friday today.  This past work week has been pretty eventful, but very exhausting.  Dad was feeling well enough on Saturday to go out to the strawberry patch.  So Mom, Dad, Rick, Alice, Lisa D, Logan, Aiden, Isabella, Emma, William and I went out to pick strawberries together. Alice got some great pics this past week that I am hoping to get my hands on, but I did get some cute shots of her and Isabella at strawberry patch.

Aiden had started pulling on his right ear on Friday and continued to say it was bothering him throughout the weekend and he even crawled in bed with us on Sunday night. So on Monday before work I took him to the Dr ad was amazed at the ammount of wax they flushed out of his ear.  I think them cleaning it hurt worse that it being impacted, but he was a trooper and after lots of crying we got through it.

Since they were blasting on 81 we took Poor Mountain Rd to get to Mom and Dads to get the girls back and got to see some pretty deer along the way.

It was great to get to visit with Rick and Alice so much while they were in town this time and hopefully they will be home soon.  We will get to see Mary and Charlie Churney next weekend. It is nice to be getting back into the swing of things and getting to visit with family more again.  We really need to get out to Gramma Peggy's again before she takes off and moves to Harrisonburg, but from what I hear she has lots of friends that live up there and will be happier when she is closer to them again. I hate that she will be that much farther away, but she is already about an hour away and we generally only get to see her on the holidays and the occasional birthday celebration.  Maybe she will have a Wednesday free of babies that we can visit her before she leaves or i can take off some weekend time so that we can go out and visit.

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