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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's been an eventful day!

I took the kids out visiting today and they got to meet their Great Aunt Robbie and her twin sister Betty.  It was a long ride out there, but Aiden had fun seeing family and found a new "best fried" when Corey and Richard showed up.  He had a lot of fun wrestling with Richard and was sad that we were leaving so soon after their arrival.

 Emma loving on Aunt Kim's teddy bear!

 Isabella and Aunt Robbie!

Aunt Robbie, Emma and Aiden!

Emma was more loveable, while Isabella was on the run! We stayed for a little while and then around naptime I loaded the kids into the car for the next long ride.
We went over to Grandma and Papaw's house to visit them for a bit, too.  Most of the time that we were there Aien spent next door playing with the 3 boys over there.  I stayed with mom and dad and the girls visiting.  While I was there I got to meet one of the hospice workers and she answered some questions and learned a lot about all of us.  It is becoming all too real that the cancer is going to take Dad and I feel like I want to spend as much time as I can with him and making sure that he can have as much fun with his grandchildren as he can. 

 He was able to catch Emma  a couple of times and get her to play and cuddle some, Isabella was too busy walking here there and everywhere. :)  It was a good visit and I can't wait to go back again next week after storytime when we can visit again. I love you Daddy!

While we were at Mom and Dad's we picked up the kids Easter presents fro Aunt Barbara.  Aiden can't wait for a warm day so that he can go out and play with his new bubbles.

 Aunt Barbara also got the girls the softest most adorable bunnies to love. Thanks for the gifts Barb (and kids). They are wonderful and will be loved.

This evening we even got to have Uncle Larry and Logan over for dinner.  Aiden loves to play with his cousin Logan and was excited to have him come over and visit for a couple of hours.  It was great to get to see my brother again and get to visit with him, usually our lives are so busy that we miss each other more than we get to see each other.  Today almost felt like a holiday, usually those are the only days that I see so many people in the family in one day. I love you all and hope to get out to Bedford next to see my sister and her kids as well as some of the Hubby's family soon. :)

As a final twist to the day's events, I was in the kitchen and Aiden piped up and said "Mommy there's all kinds of red stuf in my mouth" from the bathroom.  He sounded calm enough and didn't come running the first time I asked him to come and let me see.  After the second request he came into the kitchen and said "It tastes like I peed in my mouth" and it looked like he was foaming from the mouth with blood.  I stayed as calm as possible since Aiden usually melts when he sees himself bleed, got him onto the counter and got a wet rag to see if I could tell where he was bleeding from.  After a ragful of blood I narrowed it to what looked like a puncture wound on his upper lip. It took awhile to get it to stop bleeding, but an ice-cube and paper towel do wonders for a mouth injury.  I finally got it out of him that he fell off his stool in the bathroom and banged his head on the counter.  It was amazing how calm he stayed through it all, but my little man was more of a trooper than mom and dad were. :)  

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