
Welcome to our world... I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often to see what new things we have gotten into.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So much catching up to do :)

I had the brilliant idea a few days ago to download an app for my phone that would let me post to my blog.  With the talk-to-text feature on my Samsung phone I decided it was worth a try even though I may not have very long posts I could put up more than one a day. I created one post and told it to put it on here for all of you and then low and behold the post was just gone. :( I was very disappointed, but I decided to try again and my phone would not load videos from it's own memory.

So anyways we have been doing lots of stuff over the past few days.  When we went to visit mom and dad a couple of days ago Aiden got a new pet "Baby Inchworm." Poor guy only lasted about a day before he gave up the goat, but he got to have lots of fun riding on matchbox cars and crawling on Aiden's forehead in the meantime.

There's the pics I wanted to show off--- and yes with much protest I finally got Aiden to let me cut his mop and he does look presentable again.

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