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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Momma has gone over the hill and is headed back down :)

Happy Birthday Momma!  Today was an eventful day, my Mother-in-law celebrated her 51st birthday and Dick Clark passed away.  It is sad to think that he will not be bringing in any more New Year's celebrations, but I will always remeber his great Rockin' New Year's Eve Parties that were telivised during my childhood.  On a lighter note, Momma came to visit for her birthday and loved her present from Aiden the best I think.  He made her a neat 3D picture that i framed for him.

Aiden and i had fun a couple of days ago putting his arts and crafts supplies to good use making yet another masterpiece.  He really loves crazy eyes, pom poms and pipe cleaners.  Originally we were going to make some puppets, but then he decided he wanted to make a picture for his Grandma Dee Dee's birthday.

 You will rarely see pictures of me, since I am usually behind the camera, but here are some of my favorite shots from tonight!
 Emma is such a ham!

 Aiden being a goof!

What a proud Grandma!

Izzy and her Daddy!

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