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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Today was a pretty good day!

This morning we got to have some nice family time. Josh took on Emma duty while I took Izzy and they had a few minutes of Daddy/Daughter cuddle time before starting their day.

 Ssssshhhhhhh.... don't tell Bubby I have his cat!

 A little after noon we had the pleasure of seeing Mary and Charlie Churney while they were in town visiting Mom and Dad!  They are long time friends and wihle admiring Josh's 10-pointer, mounted on the wall, they reminisced about the day that my dad shoot his first deer while Charlie was out getting breakfast for them.

When they first arrived, Aiden was disappointed, because he thought the visitors that were coming with Grandma and Papaw were going to be Rick and Alice Witt.  He got over it and warmed up to the new visitors quickly though. :) Gotta love a 4 year olds assumptions. Next time we are there I am sure he will want to know where Mary and Charlie are, lol. 

 I can't remember the last time I saw Mary, but Charlie came to visit about 6 months ago and got the nickel tour.  Mary got to enjoy her tour today and also got to meet the kids for the first time.

Aiden loved the time she took to play with him in his room and continued to love and play with her for their whole visit.

He also took to Charlie and enjoyed rough housing with him a little too. :)

I hope to get to see Mary again sooner than later, but until then I am happy to have such a great picture with her to remember this visit. :)

So funny story about the pictures below.... Mom and Mary are outside looking at the river and the shed and flowers and such and Aiden wants to go join them.  He is told to put shoes on and decides slippers will do instead since they were easier to find.  He takes off running through the yard, trips over his feet and stubs his toe as he falls to the ground in a patch of gravel.  Poor kid screamed like he had been beaten and kept holding out his palms saying they hurt and crying.  After a quick survey we decided he wasn't bleeding and we got him to stop crying. Everything was mildy amusing until he pulled up his sleeve while talking to his Daddy to reveal the real wound. Maybe next time he will point out all the spots that hurt when he is being assessed so that he can get the proper sympathy and care, lol.

As you can see from this picture it really didn't bother him that bad.

I couldn't resist the opportunity to ask for a sad face and he really did it fantastic!

Still it looks like it hurt pretty good. Now he has graduated to scraped elbows and knees. My baby boy is growing up on me.  I wonder if he will ever outgrow being clumsy. :)

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