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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Just another day in paradise :)

This morning while Mom pulled the insulation out of the ceiling in the basement, the kids and I went to visit with my Daddy for a little while.  He has only lost another 3 lbs and is down to 117 now, which is an improvement over the last few monthes.  He had been averaging about a 10lb/month loss.  He always has fun visiting with the kids. "A" got to show him one of the beetles he caught, (he lost the other one in my car).  Iz and Em got to be cute for Papaw and clean the toys out of the compartment in his armchair. I got Daddy to eat a little bit while we were there and then at naptime we left him to take a nap and I took the kids home so the babies could take their nap too. 

"A" had some fun with temporary tattoos today.  Once he had them on, he said "Mommy I don't want to ever take a shower ever again, cause I don't want my tattoos to ever wash off!"  He is too cute.

I was tyring to catch a shot of Gus attacking the tractor while the hubby was mowing, but "A" thinks he should always be the center of attention and I got a couple of cute shots of him, but none of the dog acting a fool. :-S

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