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Monday, May 21, 2012

Simple Joys :)


I am so proud of "A" today. He actually requested for me to let his sisters out so that he could play with them, and he even shared his toys.  Though he is still a little rough sometimes, he is really getting a lot better with being "easy" with them.   They enjoyed playing with the homemade blocks their Papaw made when "A" was little and the Mr.. Potato Head collection he has.  I let them play for about an hour and then it was time to go grocery shopping. 
 On the way to Kroger I decided I had had too much coffee and really needed to make a pit stop before trying to go shopping.  Since I was over half way there I choose to detour to Mom and Dad's before shopping.  At first "A" wanted to stay there while I went shopping and then once I had him out of the car he decided he was in fact going to go with me.   Since we were already there, I went ahead and got the girls out too and we had a little visit before taking on the grocery store.  I love seeing my Daddy's eyes light up when he gets to spend time with the kids.


This afternoon "A" was being silly and playing with rubber bands.  He came up behind me and said "Look Mommy, I look like Grandma Dee-Dee!" I turned around to see him with a rubber band around each ear like her big hoop earrings.  He can be too cute sometimes! :)

Our poor "dummy dog" is getting old, but he still has lots of life and energy in him.  I love the clover background, but it really shows me how badly I need to weed-n-feed the yard, lol.  I guess I will have to add that to the list and see when I can find to cross it off.  At least we have a spreader that I can tow behind the tractor, so though it will still take time, it shouldn't take too much energy. :)

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