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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cat in the dryer !?!

So today I have learned the hard way yet again, that you must watch what you say in front of a 4 year old.  This morning when I was visiting with my Daddy we got to talking about a post from earlier this week and how I had tried to wash a cat in the washing machine when I was little. .... So "A" came downstairs while I was working today and took Bastian from my lap and carried him off.  I heard a familiar "click" and "A" ran upstairs.  I called and called to Bastian and he never came back.  So I took a personal minute from work and checked..... sure enough the cat was in the dryer.  He walked out nonchalantly and was unscathed, I guess I am just lucky he is not big enough to turn it on.

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