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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A finished Rainy Day Project!!!

  Ok, so like 2 monthes ago I decided that "A" needed a coat rack for his room.  I got a old piece of baseboard scrap from Daddy (he cut it to length for me).  I thought about being lazy and just paint over the splotches of paint that was still on the board, and then I changed my mind and went ahead and anded it down.  Since I don't have a lot of time that I can be outside sanding and painting it took me 3-4 days to asnd it and then spray paint it.  "A" picked the color --- his favrite --- green.  I went through the collection of random hooks that I have gathered and found seven matching curtain hooks to add to it.  Then I set my project aside for a rainy day.

Today I finally took the time to finish my rainy day project.  It couldn't have taken more than 30 minutes to gather all the pieces back together, get some screws, and the cordless screwdriver and put it altogether. I was thinking that having mismatched hooks on it would be neat too, but that's not what I found in my collection. :)

"A" was so excited that I had finally finished this project, that he immediately picked up all of his jackets and coat and hung them up where they belong.  He is such a good kid sometimes.  I love you "A" !!! I am so happy that you like your coat rack!!!

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