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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Kelsey!

My work-week Friday's always feels like such a long day.  This morning we got up and preeped to treat the sitter for her birthday.  I asked Aiden what we should buy her and his first response was a dollhouse and doll.  My response, "I think she might be too big for a gift like that" incited the reply "Oh. Let's get her a bracelet."  I agreed that some fun jewelry would make a nice gift and off to Walmart we went.  I let Aiden pick out a couple of things and he choose a neat set of colorful metallic bangles that came with some earrings and a big plastic purple ring and alphabet bands.  He was very proud of his choices and I think she enjoyed them as well. I added a neat bracelet, anklet, toe ring combo and wa-la we had put together a nice present for her 20th birthday.  As we passed by the bakery, Aiden announced that we needed a birthday cake as well, and after a lot of deliberation we settled on some rainbow colored cupcakes.

 Aiden put Kelsey's ring on for her :)

 And then choose a cupcake topped with a green Happy Birthday pick....

 Mostly he just wanted the icing and after a bite of cake was done, gotta love how he ended up with icing on the bottom of his nose... lol

Aiden also got a new pet caterpillar today, a tent worm this time.  I found it funny that Kelsey will hold a snake, but shied away from the caterpillar and wanted nothing to do with it.  I fear that as rough as Aiden is, his new pet will probably have quite a short life, but he will be well loved while he is around.

While I was working tonight Bastian decided he was not satisfied with sitting on my lap and so he crawled up on my shoulder instead and cuddled up to the back of my head.... what a rotten old man. :)

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