
Welcome to our world... I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often to see what new things we have gotten into.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Work-in-Progress

Our first science project is going to be creating a frog terrarium.  We are going to create an environment that mimics the area in which we live.  There are two raised areas, a small canal and a little pond.  We gathered some river rock, sticks that branch out and  moss from the yard to use in it and combined it with little colorful rocks we inherited with the tank.   After arranging all of the components we have so far, we added water for the canal and pond.  "A" is so excited about this project and really wants to put everything in it!  Apparently it should include an ant hill, some earwigs, and spiders along with frogs and lizards and every other type of bug in the yard.  "A" is really fearless.  He will pick up the ugliest bugs and laugh as they crawl over his skin.... uuuuggghhhh.  I have taught him some of the bugs not to touch, but I still fear what the new "bug" is going to be.  There is still more to be done before our "frog/lizard habitat will be finished. Here are some pictures of our work-in-progress.

"A" really wants to catch a lizard or two and maybe a frog to put in it, we will have to see if the rain brings them out and see what we can catch.  :)   I am just hoping I don't end up having to go buy something to put in it.... lol.... my luck now that we have started to put it together we prolly won't see another lizard or frog for the rest of the year. (it sounded like a good idea at the time lol) ;)

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