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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Our days are interesting and fun!

Ok so, anyone that has met my son knows that he does not always choose the safest free activities to entertain himself, but they are entertaing most of the time none-the-less.  So I was outside cleaning up the riding lawn mower and noticed that my water pressure dropped out a litte.  Having not seen "A" for awhile I went to see what he was up to.  I had just mopped the kitchen floor and having muddy shoes on I walked to the screen door and hollered for "A."  He finally came to the end of the hallway where I could see him, rubbing his soapy hands together and saying "clean kitty."  "A" got lucky with not a scratch on him, the cat was doused in Pemegranite Hand Soap and shaving creme and had been put in the bathroom sink.  After taking a couple of pictures and other than being slightly disturbed the cat was back to new and even smelled good.  Looking at the pictures now takes me back to a time when I was young and my bff and I decided purr kitty needed a bath in the washing machine.  I don't think we came away from that one unscathed, lol.  When i asked "A" why he gave the kitty a bath, he said "cause he was dirty outside mommy." (very matter-of-factly.) It's just a good thing he didn't get ahold of the other cat, I don't think he would have been so lucky. 

Bastian -- no worse for the wear and looking good. :)

 The best part of the video is the last few seconds when "E" free stands jumps a couple of times and pulls her feet up so that she lands square on her butt.  She is so brave and confident for a 13 month old.

This is a Crayola jumbles piece -- apparently they are great for putting together and chewing on.

"A" has become obsessed with playing with his sisters and since the house is not baby proofed enough for them to be out all the time, he loves to join them in the pack-n-play and the play yard.  "E" is just laughing about him tackling her and "I" is getting pretty tough too.

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