Well this morning didn't go quite as planned, but I am very thankful it only took me about 30 minutes to wake up and get out of bed.  "A" has been being so good about playing nicely with his sisters in the morning while I am waking up, without getting into things he shouldn't get into.  This morning he decided to see how I would react to cornstarch, butt paste and, of all things, nail polish remover on his sisters and one of their beds.  Now bear in mind that for some reason "A" seems to favor "Iz" and focuses his nastiness towards "Em" instead.  "Iz" just had some cornstarch sprinkled on her head... not a big deal since it is edible and all, but poor "Em" had cornstarch on her head, butt paste spread down the rail of her crib that she smeared into her hair, and about a half a bottle of nail polish remover poured in the middle of her bed.  The girls promptly got a bath, of course, and both are fine, but really..... I hate that I am seriously considering putting a locking doorknob on the bathroom closet.   I would move stuff to an even higher shelf but he climbs so, ya know.
After we got past the morning fiasco, "A" was grounded from TV for the day. I also had him help with the Memorial Day Cooking.  If I have done this right the only thing that will have to be cooked tomorrow for lunch is the hamburgers and hot dogs.  "A" and I destroyed the kitchen, but in the process we made two types of deviled eggs, potato salad, chicken pasta salad, hamburger patties and diced potatoes and onions for breakfast. I think I ended up having 19 eggs to make deviled eggs out of (instead of 22) once "A" got done peeling the shells off of them.  He really only mangled one, but he stole another for a snack. ;) (((Lovin' the 'hey don't take my picture' face)))

So far 2 guests have arrived for the 'festivities' tomorrow... lol... we don't get visitors much, if you can't tell. Really it will probably be just a small get together but it will be great to have everyone around. I know that my brother will be bringing his son, one of our cousins, Momma's bf and possibly an uncle will be stopping by.  I can't wait to get out on the river again to take the canoe and kayak out for a float or two.

"Iz" loves to stand on pillows and jump on them...

"Em" usually does too, but today she was more interested in Grandma Dee Dee's bangles.

"Iz" did take a break and stop to admire the 'bling' too!!!