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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We're gonna break outta this jail! :)

I have been wondering how long I was going to be able to keep the girls contained in their play yard.  "A" was very content to be confined until he was about a year and a half, I don't think I am going to be so lucky with the girls.  As you can see in the pictures below, "Em" is already plotting her escape.  I missed the shots of the girls working together, but they are trying very diligently to pull the gate down now they have figured out they can't push it over, and that they aren't big enough to climb over it like "A" does.

...what happens if I pull?...
 shhhh.... don't look at me....
 ... hey mom, "Em" isn't doing anything.... look at me I am soo cute!
 It's hard to get a shot of them both standing still, but I love the smile and laugh coming from "Em" in this picture.  "Iz" is just a jumping away to keep herself awake!!!
 I was trying to catch "Em's" laugh, but got a lot of "Iz's" whining too since it was right before bedtime.
"Em"s" smiles are contagious!!!

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