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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Prep day one for Memorial Day weekend!!!

Today was prep for this weekend.  We got the laundry finished again, I played with the "little steamer" that I got for "the hubby" and let me tell you I love it so much.  It isn't quite as good as ironing and I had a hard time figuring out where to hang the shirt, but I loved it...... it made getting wrinkles out kinda fun, not to mention quick.  We got a grocery list made and mostly shopped for.  "J" went to the store after I started working this evening and while he was there the cashier failed to ring up and give him all the vegetables I needed, so now I will be headed to the store in just a few minutes to get what I need, cause I would never be able to get everything done in the morning while I am taking care of the kids. 
In between chores, "A" and I played with a ball of yarn.... now, no, I still don't have it all rolled into a ball again or untangled, but it entertained him for a good long time... "A" got it out and first used it to create laser beams in his room. They even "turned on and off" with the lightswitch. ;) He had me rescue some stuffed animals from the lasers and then we played with the ball of yarn, tossing it back and forth weaving it through the pattern strung across his room.  What innocent fun children can bring to light.

 We are going to have friends and family over to go play on the river, play on the trampoline, and finding critters for the terrarium.  If you would like to join us on Monday, I will be able to hang out until about 4:30pm and we will be having lots and lots of fun.  Just message me or call me we would love to see everyone we can. 

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