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Saturday, May 19, 2012

I'm bringing home a baby grasshopper! Won't my Momma be so proud of me...

"A" and I went on a grasshopper hunt.  We finally found one in the yard and we stalked it until it flew across the road.  :( He had one earlier in the day that he had gotten to play with for a good while, after I fished it out of the dog's water bucket.  I'm really not sure what happened to the first grasshopper, but at some point I was informed that we needed to go hunting for a new one.  While we were on our hunt "A" spoke up and said some of the cutest things... "Mommy, I can smell nature ... I love nature so much, there are so many things to see".... (and my favorite) he looked into his wagon and said "Mommy, I see spider nature.... smoosh.... I see dead spider nature!" (holding up a stick with a dead spider hanging off the end...lol)
"A" really does have a superb love for nature, so while he is a sponge and has such great interest I am going to teach him everything I can about it.  I am hoping this will give him a jump start on science and learning.  He watches "Wild Krats" on PBS Kids and has taught me quite a bit even..... like did you know that worms don't drown? He learned about rainbows and prisms from "Sid the Science Kid" on PBS kids too.  I am going on the hunt for free/cheap educational activities related to science!!!!!  For awhile I have been thinking of setting up a terrarium for "A" to put all his great finds in, so that he can watch them and learn about them without using my Tupperware or bringing them in my house.  I asked him if he wanted to set up a terrarium and he immediately said "Yes, then we can go down by the river and catch some frogs and get some lilies to put in it! " After saying something to my brother about it, he delivered an old fish tank that has been sitting on his porch for two years for just that purpose.  I am excited to get it cleaned up and ready for all of the things he finds.  Thanks Uncle "L" for your generosity, can't wait to show it to you all set up!

While I was cleaning up during quiet time, I came across some of the unusual things my son has found great joy in.  Pictured here you can see a rubber band, some packaging from a bracelet I got for Mother's Day, and a spider made from pom-poms, pipe cleaners, two crazy eyes and some glue.  Who needs real toys !?! lol :)

The girls were being cute after quiet time..... "Iz" was loving on her Minnie and "Em was playing with her blankie.  I tried to catch "Iz" dancing, but she didn't co-operate :( still a cute video of the girls as always.  They also got to enjoy about an hours worth of playing on the trampoline with Daddy and "A" this evening too.

"A" really loves Tiger Butt, I'm not so sure the feeling is mutual... lol ...
Here is  a few of the pictures I captured of them bonding today!

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