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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thanks for the pictures Alice!

Yay! I finally got to retrieve the great pictures that Alice took while she was in VA visiting and get them uploaded to my blog. Thanks so much for capturing some special moments and sharing them with me as well.  I love Emma's whispy hair in these first couple of pics and the way her dimple stands out. :)

 Isabella loved the strawberry patch and was all about sampling the product as we went along.


Emma was enjoying walking around with her Grandma, but wasn't too interested in eating the fruit while at the strawberry patch.  I guess miss priss thought it should be served up on a platter, lol.

Izzy is such a mommy's girl that once she conned me into picking her up, she wouldn't have anything to do with walking or going to anyone else for anything.

Aiden had a lot of fun, but didn't quite understand why we wouldn't let him have the pretty green strawberries (they were his favorite color).

Logan and Lisa D made the trip to the strawberry patch too :) He had a good time for the most part, but like the girls was getting tired and ready to take a nap once all was said and done.

As bright eyed as they look here, it wasn't long and they were both asleep for the long ride home.

(this is a tired Logan)

what a cute kid :)

Aiden may not have wanted his picture taken, but his sisters were all too willing and having fun shopping too! Thank God for the double top carts at Kroger!

Emma and Isabella at Grandma and Papaw's house!

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