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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Best Couch "Fort" Ever :)

Where to start, where to start...... Today was a kinda relaxed day. "Iz" is getting her 4 molars and has been fussy for a lot of the day.  I am grateful for teething tablets and frozen chew toys on days like today, they really seem to help a lot.  "Em" was pretty happy-go-lucky all day and well "A" was "A".  I did manage to get the floors mopped again and started to clean up the new terrarium.
"A" spent a lot of time in his "tunnel." This has been the best fort ever and stayed up for longer than any have so far.  I can tell when the novelty has worn off when they fall to pieces and assistance is requested to re-build the fort.  Today we used the big couch and figured out how to create a small opening for a "door" and on the other end there was an opening on the top for an "escape hatch."  It really is amazing how entertaining something so simple is, I think he also likes it, in part, because he knows that it bothers his Daddy when I let him tear the living room to pieces. :)
I pulled out the terrarium while I was waiting for the kitchen floor to dry today.  It is going to be great when we get it all set up!  Then I guess we will have to start filling it with critters.  I got the tank scrubbed and put up on the woodpile stand during quiet time.  "A" didn't notice it for a little while, but when he did all he could say was "Where did that come from?" very enthusiastically!  Though we haven't started collecting bugs and such for our terrarium, I did get a nice shot of a moth that was around a few days early, but very pretty.

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