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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sorry about going AWOL

I am sorry that I have been AWOL for a couple of days.  We have been having bouts of internet outages, I have been working, and there have been lots of things going on in the families. I am sad for a cousin that has found a boy to love that has a dark soul and she feels like she can save, I am sad for an Aunt that felt like life wasn't worth living last night, I am sad for an Unlce who has found out that his liver is failing due to other life sustaining medication he is on, I am sad for my Dad whose cancer has come back and it taking a toll on his quality of life, and I am sad for my Mother-in-Law who never seems to get the praise and recognition that she deserves for her hard work in school.

With all of the sadness that seems to have fallen into my life, I have to make sure to take the time to apperciate the good things. I am so proud of Momma for all of her hard work and accomplishments through nursing school, she is working really hard to maintain good grades and do something to better her life.  I am proud of my Husband for getting a 100 on the Exam he took today! My job is still making me happy and I am doing good at hitting the goals that are being set for me.

I have gotten a date planned for this month and I am really looking forward to going to a play and dinner this month.  It will be a nice and relaxing adventure to Fincastle for us.  We have never taken in a play together so it will be nice to have a new experience together to keep things fresh and exciting.  I am very happy to say that it is nice to have a date night to look forward to each month and to know that I will get to have some alone time with my hubby.  We have found that it is very important to schedule outings like these to make sure we get to go on them and have the opportunity to enjoy each others company.

 My handsome Hubby!
 Aiden loves tearing the couches apart and making a fort in the living room!

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