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Monday, May 14, 2012

A nice Mother's Day with family :)

Our Mother's Day get together was nice and relaxing, just wish my sister and her kids could have come in too.  "L" (my nephew) was in a mood and "A" (my son) was in a mood and a half so it made for a somewhat interesting visit, but all in all it was nice to be around family.  My Hubby had to work all morning and I have had to work all night, so we haven't gotten to spend much time together, but he was kind enough to bring me a gigantic mother's day card and "mother's love" certificate when he came home from work and he made sure I had dinner ready for my lunch break tonight too.  I also got a hanging flower basket from my Mom and some time to spend with her as well.  I am looking forward to getting to see her and my Daddy more since they will be so close.

My brother and his son!

"A" finally decided to join in the game instead of trying to just steal the ball!

"A" and "L" took turns throwing the dragon ball into the tree.

My sister in law and nephew!

Dad working on getting the water filter changed in the camper and getting it connected to water.

"A" and "L" got excited when I got the finger paints out.  Mom was excited to get more handprint art to add to her Mother's Day Gifts.  "L" was very creative and seemed to really enjoy getting dirty.  The look on his mom's face was priceless too.  I just love letting little kids have fun with art! :)

I rearranged the living room again today to allow the girls some extra space to run around before their nap.  I am trying to let them get 1/2hr - 1hr roaming time before nap time now.  It really seems to be making it easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep for their full nap.

I hope that all of the moms reading this had a wonderful Mother's Day as well!  If you are a mom what is the best memory you have from Mother's Day this year?

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