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Friday, May 4, 2012

Shopping at Walmart is exhausting!

Yesterday my exhausting week caught up with me and I was asleep by 8:30, got up and helped get the kids in bed and then it was bedtime for me.  I still did not want to get up at 9am this morning, but once I got up and moving I was able to accomplish a lot.  I had to go to walmart again with all the babies by myself to get a prescription refilled, we picked up just a few groceries for us and for Mom and Dad and went for a short visit.  Dad hasn't been doing to weel for a couple of days, he hasn't been able to keep down much food or drink, but he is being persistant and keeps tring to get something down.  They are going to try a nausea medication to see if that will help, since upping the morphine didn't seem to help at all.  I am worried about my Dad, but I am glad that I can take the girls over and put a smile on his face even when he is feeling bad. 

Are you getting into my toys Papaw?
 Lemme see what's in there....
 .... I got my toy....
 ... who said you could have a toy too?
 Fine I will take my toy and go play somewhere else!

On Seasame Street they were talking about setting a healthy example for your children by going outside and being active. All I can say for my children is that they should all have a very clean house when they grow up, cause all I seem to do is clean.  I started with the floors again, caues they seem to always be dirty.  Got all of them swept and mopped once again (upstairs and downstairs), gathered all the dirty laundry and started the wash, ran the dishwasher, washed the remaining dishes by hand, fed the kids breakfast, fed everyone lunch, made some coffee and finally decided to sit down for a break while the girls are napping.  It will be time to go to work in about and hour and a half, so I am off to fold laundry and watch some TV before I have to sit in front of the computer all night.
 Emma and Daddy hanging out!
Izzy tossed the book behind her right before I got to take a picture of her tearing it up, so I grabbed it up and taped it back together for Aiden. :)

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