Today was soooooo much fun!!!! I did wake up sore from helping mom clean up the mess she made pulling the insulation out of the basement ceiling, but I didn't let that stop me.  "A" and I made a crazy alien art project, "Em" was all smiles and in a great mood right off the bat.  All in all things were nice and happy this morning.  The weather was beautiful by 10am and we finally took advantage of it.  I called mom and got her to watch the girls for a couple of hours, then I came home to get in the river with "J" and "A."  A couple of weeks ago Dad went out and bought a canoe and a kayak for the river house and he has been going crazy waiting for someone to try them out.   Today we made him the proud owner of a "used" boat and he got to have fun hanging out with the girls too. 


 I rode in the front on the maiden voyage and so I was in control of steering.  Maybe not the best idea, but really I only turned the boat around backwards once and I got it straightened out pretty quick.  "J" is going to steer next time and see if he can avoid rocks any better than I can.  I am excited, because I will be able to take even more pictures that way.   I did get a few good shots in today and other than me knocking "A" off the middle seat and sending water up the back of his head when we were pulling the canoe out of the water, he seemed to have fun on his first canoe ride too.

The girls had a blast at Mom and Dad's.  Mom said they were adorable and very loving today.  I got a couple of cute shots of them and some adorable videos too.  One day I will get the hang of this video feature on my phone, til then turn your head to the side for a couple of minutes and enjoy a couple of really cute moments.

"Iz" was sooooo tired from all the walking around at Grandma and Papaw's she passed out on the way home.... Isn't she adorable when she is napping ?!?