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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Aunt Ni-Ni came to visit!!! :)

Today was my Saturday and there was lots of housework to catch up on from the previous week. I got about 1/2 the laundry done, all the floors mopped except the kitchen, all the dishes done and still had time to visit and go shopping.

Around 11:30 this morning, "A" came up to me and asked if he could call his Aunt Ni-Ni.  The first call went to voice mail, since Ni-Ni couldn't figure out how to swap calls.  She called back while he was leaving a message and of course he has no idea what call waiting is. So after playing some phone tag we finally got them on the phone together.  "A" promptly asked Ni-Ni to come over and help him build a fort, upon getting a "yes" he said "ok bye" and gave the phone back to me.  Ni-Ni was so tickled to get that phone call she was at our house in no time to play. 

"A" showed off his fort, his room, his fish, and all sorts of other things.  After I got the girls settled down, I went out and took the leaf blower to the trampoline.   Aunt Ni-Ni had never been on a full size trampoline before so she was a little nervous at first.  Once she got her sea-legs working she had a blast, jumping with and popcorning "A."  It was great to see them laugh and play together, they had so much fun and we can't wait for her to come back to visit again.

This afternoon, I got to go to the semi-annual employee sale for HSN.  I had lots of fun looking around at what was available, and there were tons of great items at great prices.  I was able to get a couple of new necklaces for myself, some presents for my Hubby for Father's Day and birthday presents for my brother.  The pictures I took did not do justice to the necklaces, but the one on the left is a blue quartz and the one on the right is a really long strand of freshwater pearls.  I can't wait to find an outing to wear them to.  I will post pics of my other great buys once they are giving as gifts, but until then I will have to keep them under wraps. :)

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