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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cooper's 3rd Birthday party!!! :)

Happy Birthday Cooper!!! Aiden and I went to his friend Cooper's 3rd birthday party this past weekend.

Aiden found all sorts of ways to entertain himself,

Cooper and Aiden played in the beach ball sprinkler,

They played on the swings,

They played on the slide,

Cooper had fun being a surfer,

Aiden would not get the pool at first,

 but once he got his life jacket on, he thought he was invincible.

Cooper was sooo cute all laid back in his float with his awesome sunglasses.

Eric got assigned to be the adult in the pool.

I saved the best for last.  Aiden had my heart skipping a beat, but much to my repeated pleading, he was having too much fun to stop.  He only hit the edge of the driveway once and flipped sideways, to which he announced "I'm OK!"  So without further ado, here is Aiden power sliding on a pink big wheel.

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