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Monday, August 6, 2012

Slip Slidin' Fun 2012 :)

We brought the good ol' Slip n' Slide out again this year.  Aiden loves playing in the water any which way we will let him, so we decided to let him try out the Slip n' Slide again to see if he could do it yet.  Mostly he just ran or walked down it, but he did get brave after awhile and started to slide on his knees.

We set it up in the front yard initially, but a Slip n' Slide doesn't work very well on a flat yard.

Since most of our yard is flat this presents a small problem, but we were able to find a small hill in the side yard that improved the performance greatly.

I remember when I was young and I got my first Slip n' Slide.  It was literally a heavy piece of yellow plastic held down by 4 metal stakes.  We had to put our sprinkler in the yard and aim it just right to keep it wet and then there was the issue of stopping.  LoL. I am so surprised we didn't hurt ourselves any worse than we did.

Now Slip n' Slides have their own built in sprinkler and a spot at the end that collects water and is elevated to help slow you down.  Other than the fact that the plastic is thinner, the Slip n' Slide my kids have is a Cadillac compared to what I had.


Logan tried the Slip n' Slide for the very first time and had his head shaved for the first time all in one day!!!

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