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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Play-yard just won't do!!!

I decided today that the girls are not being offered enough chances to excercise cooped up in the play-yard and the pack-n-play. So today I moved all the furnture in the living room and did a thourough cleaning of the floor.  Then I encompassed the living room in play-yard to give them a lot more space to run around and burn some of their energy 

They loved having all the extra space. While they were running around playing I decided to try to get my phone to take a more clear shot of my children that are always on the move.

Instead of the camera capturing the still shot that I expected it took several pictures and overlayed them to make just one scene.  It was such a neat effect that I took several of these motion pictures. It was pretty funny when I showed the first picture to Aiden;  he thought there were 3 babies in the picture and got confused.

I love that there is more than one shot of the people that move and only one of the people and things that sit still.

I also loved how I could take a panoramic picture and capture the whole room in one shot.

Even though the girls can't actually make it onto the couch yet, they are more than capable of getting into the recliner and it overjoys them to be there as well.

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