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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Our Toad family just keeps on growing :)

So J comes inside one night and asked "Did you and Aiden let Ribbert and Little Ribbert out?" to whick I replied "Not that I know of."  So we decided to go back out and see if we now had 3 toads.  What do you know, we did. So of course when we walk back around to the front of the house there is the 2nd baby toad so of course we had to catch it and put it back with its Mommy Toad.

If you look close enough you can see 3 toads in the above two pictures (the baby is under the rock between the two big toads. 

This is one of the babies!!!

The new Toad is a lot darker in color than Ribbert is, and much less tame, but we are working on that.

These are the babies.  Sometimes they both look dark brown and occassionally they look like they are much lighter.

The babies do like to sit on the heads of the big toads.  I have even caught the baby blue tailed skink sitting on top of Ribberts head. 

So at break time, J tells me that Aiden says that he put Ribbert on the other toads back.  I really don't think I believe him since now the Toads are attached to one another and Ribbert arches his back and chirps a lot if you touch him.  So I guess Aiden was right, but from what I can gather it can take days for them to be done with their piggyback ride. smh.

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