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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My budding Entomologist!!!

Don't you wish you had a caterpillar crawling on your knee?  This one had extremely good suction cups on his feet and would have turned into a beautiful butterfly.  After looking into types of caterpillars we think we had one called a "Papilio Rutulus" http://www.discoverlife.org/20/q?guide=Caterpillars     -------------What do you think?

I can't figure out what this guy is !?! We have caught some Wooley Bears http://www.discoverlife.org/20/q?guide=Caterpillars.

It takes a lot of grasshopper, cricket, etc hunting to properly feed 4 American Toads.  It takes even more hunting when Aiden becomes attached to the food and decide he should keep it safe.

I have tried to identify this cool little guy.... to no avail.... I assume he is some sort of beetle?

 Aiden also decided he really likes cetipedes, potato bugs, worms and spiders too. 
 So he takes his critters on bike rides in his trunk, on the handle to his motorcycle (big wheel) and on advetures through the yard. 
 Poor kid is an accident waiting to happen though and he was so upset with himself when he tripped over his feet, shattering his critter cage and almost puncturing his neck on a shard of plastic on the way down.
 He sat on the porch and whimpered "Oh I can't believe I did that, oh it's all my fault.  Ooohhh Noooo where are all my critter friends going to live?  Mommy they are getting awwwaaaaayyyyy!!!"
I saved the day with a nice round piece of tupperware, thinning out my supply by one more piece.  Aiden has a new "critter cage" now, but misses his old one and wishes he had been more careful and not broken it.

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